Raptor Rescue and Reunite
Each year some unfortunate baby owls, hawks and other raptors fall from their nests. Sometimes blustery spring storms blow the nest down completely, sometimes the chicks are attacked by other predators and sometimes careless tree work is the culprit. We work carefully with a large group of dedicated and experienced volunteers to return healthy baby raptors to their parents as safely and swiftly as possible.
Our primary process involves an initial medical exam at WildCare, a complete site assessment to assure that a safe reunite is possible, nest monitors to watch the nest before and after reunites to make sure everything is successful and of course, the actual reunite of baby raptors and parents, which requires both a ground team and tree climbers. If the nest is blown down, we can often wire a substitute wicker basket into the tree to function as a nest. We’ve had great results reuniting raptor families this way.
Each year we rescue, reunite or find foster care for many young hawks and owls for an estimated total of 750 birds.
Whenever possible, reuniting baby raptors with their parents will give them the best chance to learn the essential skills required to survive in the wild. For orphaned barn owls that cannot be reunited, we have a very successful foster program including a community network of nesting boxes and human foster parents that care for the owlets until they’re independent.